Monday, August 15, 2011

Freaks and Revelations

Freaks and RevelationsJason is a 13 year old kid who ends up homeless after his mom finds out he's gay and refuses to allow him to live in her house. The story is based on a true story about two boys from different worlds who's lives collided in a very real and tragic way. The worst part is how real this story feels.

Parents can do really messed up stuff. Even though its been 6 months since I read this book, it's stuck in my head. That's when I know I have to tell other people about it. Being in a profession like teaching, the thing that is hardest about reading a book like this is that you have actually met people that could treat their kids like the mom in this book did. I have also met many a kid who could treat another human being with the disrespect that we see in this book. I have also met kids that embraced others in spite of their differences. This book has both of these types of people and it is their raw interactions with eachother that will stick with you long after the book is gone. This is another story that won't make you feel good, but it will make you think.